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Posted on February 12, 2024

Extra help for customers when they need it most

Since the start of this financial year, we’ve helped over 180 customers who have been struggling with the cost of living. Most of these are new customers who have recently moved into their new homes, but didn’t have all the essentials needed to help them live comfortably. Our aim is to make sure they are able to stay in their homes and can afford to live better.

Here are some of the ways in which we’ve provided help and support…

Carpets: 26 customers have been supported with the cost of new carpets – most were within the first year of their tenancy and all are still in their homes.

Household bills: 76 customers have been able to get food or energy vouchers to help with the everyday household costs. More than half of these were living on their own and often struggle to claim other support. 4 out of 5 are still in their homes.

White goods: We’ve supported 12 customers with purchasing new washing machines and six customers have been supported with buying fridge freezers.
Seven customers have been supported to get a cooker.

Beds: 17 customers have been supported with beds, including double, single and mattresses.

“I cried when I read the message. You have no idea how much of a difference having a bed is going to make. Me and Marc have struggled for over a year sleeping on my bloody sofa and not sleeping properly at all. We cannot thank you enough honestly. We are so grateful for your help. Thank you!”

Customer feedback
93.75% of customers who answered the survey felt that the support we gave had made a difference to their lives. 100% of these customers felt that after they had communicated with us, we did what they asked and listened to their needs.

To learn more about how we help the community, discover our Calico news here.

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