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Is it time to move to Universal Credit?

What is Universal Credit?

Universal Credit is a means-tested benefit of a working age with low income.

Universal Credit is broken down into different elements depending on your circumstances:

  • The ‘personal element’ is that money covers your living costs and children’s living costs.
  • The ‘housing element’ is the money that covers your rent.


Here’s our Universal Credit checklist to help you make a claim.

Universal Credit Checklist

If you’re struggling, please don’t suffer in silence.

If you’re having trouble paying your rent or have fallen into rent arrears, get in touch.

Any agreement you make to reduce rent arrears needs to be realistic and based on your current income and circumstances.

Your claim can take up to five weeks – your rent account and other bills may fall into arrears while this is being processed.

More information

Making a claim

If you feel like your financial situation is getting out of control, there are a number of things you can do:

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