Homes with support
We all have concerns about getting older, especially the thought of losing our independence.
However, we believe that your age shouldn’t limit your lifestyle, and we provide a range of services to help you to live as independently as possible.
Whatever your circumstances, we can provide as much or as little support as you may need to ensure complete peace of mind for you and your family.
A home that suit your needs
We offer different types of homes, varying from flats and bungalows to blocks of properties with communal facilities. They are generally aimed at people aged 55 or over, although others may benefit, depending on your needs. Everyone applying is subject to an assessment of need.
The goal of our support services is to enable customers to live independently for as long as possible. It supports our vision of ‘providing quality services that make a real difference to people’s lives’ and to enjoy easy access to services and involvement.

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What can you offer?
Non communal – A flat or bungalow in the local community.
Communal scheme – This is a grouped block of flats based around shared facilities, such as a lounge and laundry facilities.
Who is it for and is there an age limit?
Sheltered housing is for anyone who is over the age of 55, has support needs, and is unlikely to sustain their independence without support.
Customers under 55 may also be considered, depending on their needs and vulnerability (or if they have a physical or sensory disability).
Why do I need an assessment?
We will need to carry out an assessment to decide whether you are eligible for our support services.
The assessment is to ensure appropriate support is provided and individual needs are assessed, as well as to help identify any current or future housing related support needs.
What will the assessment involve?
We will look specifically at:
- Gaining an understanding of your current situation and its impact upon you.
- Your vulnerability (physical or mental wellbeing, etc.)
- What support you receive now, if any.
- Addressing your daily housing needs, such as managing bills or paperwork.
- Identifying any support or risks when we assist you or offer a property. This helps identify your needs, any situations we should know about to keep you and our support team safe. This ensures you are housed in a property where you are not at risk.
How long does the assessment last?
The assessment lasts approximately one hour. However, this is really dependent on your needs. What you tell us is crucial – we need you to tell us what you believe your needs are. This will ensure you are suitably housed and adequately supported.
What does risk assessment involve?
The risk assessment helps us to identify your needs, as well as any situations we need to be aware of in order to protect you and those who offer support. This ensures you are housed in a property where you are not at risk.
What happens after the assessment?
A decision based on the assessment of needs and risk will be reaches within five working days, depending on any further information to support your application.
Will the assessment guarantee a property with you?
An assessment is no guarantee that you will be offered a property. If your needs are complex, we may need to work with other support providers to ensure your needs are being met before we consider offering a property.
Is there a charge for the service?
There is a cost for this service, which varies based on your financial status. We’ll talk about this during your assessment and before you decide to take the property, so you know exactly what to expect.
What happens next?
Once tenancy commences, an Independent Living Officer will visit you within ten working days to complete a support plan, fit your emergency alarm equipment, and arrange future visit. Then your support will begin.