Getting involved
Our customers are the experts
We want to hear your voices so you can be a part of developing our services to make them work for you – that’s why we’re always looking for new people to join our customer groups. All our groups have the opportunity to review and feedback on policies, customer facing documents and can ask questions on new strategies before we implement them. By influencing the decisions we make, you can help us to make a real difference to people’s lives.
If you’re interested in joining one of our groups, please email us on
Our Complaints Scrutiny Board, Service Scrutiny Board and Customer Experience Network are all made up of like-minded customers looking to make a difference to the way we work…
Complaint Scrutiny Board (CSB)
The CSP are a group of customers who review and
improve our customer experiences and how we
operate things at Calico Homes.
Over the last year, the panel has made big changes to the way we do things. Their top suggestions that have already started to be actioned, include:
• Suggesting an app to make the repairs process
smoother, which is currently under development.
• Improving language in letters to be friendlier
to customers and highlighting the need for
additional customer training.
• Creating a ‘vulnerabilities’ project where Calico
Homes has contacted all customers to ensure
we have records of vulnerabilities and can
personalise our services.

Customer Experience Network (CEN)
Being a part of our Customer Experience Network (CEN) is an opportunity to work with us to co-design our services. You will always have the option to choose when you get involved and how. Our Customer Strategy aims to help our customers live their best possible lives, and by working closely with you, we want to gain a deeper understanding of customer needs.
As a CEN member, you will receive a quarterly newsletter and this will detail upcoming events to get involved. We will also from time to time contact you via your email for events you can be part of. Examples of how you’ll get involved include providing input and feedback via a digital survey, coming along to a focus group or being part of formal groups.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact:
Service Scrutiny Board (SSB)
The Service Scrutiny Board is a group of Calico Homes customers who work with us to review our services, feedback from a customer perspective and provide recommendations on where they want us to focus our improvements.
They have spent time with our Head of Repairs and our Head of Assets/Development to talk about their experiences as customers, to learn about how Calico Homes repairs service operates and to discuss how we can improve.
Find out more
You don’t have to be a member of a group to influence how our service works.
We regularly ask for feedback after you’ve had a service from us – such as a repair. The feedback you provide is reviewed, reported to senior leaders and influence improvement plans.