If you're struggling
If you’re struggling, please don’t suffer in silence.
We can provide support if you are having difficulty paying your rent or other household bills.
We understand that everyone is different, our Tenancy Sustainment team will take time to understand your needs and find the best options for you.
Our team can help you with
- Housing options
- Welfare rights
- Personal finance
- Life skills
- The promotion of personal independence

Below are some additional links to external partners & services that you may find helpful.
If you’re struggling, get in touch with us:
- Need help setting up a Bank account https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/banking/getting-a-bank-account/
- This budgeting tool can help you keep in control of your finances https://www.which.co.uk/money/money-saving-tips/budgeting/open-banking-budgeting-and-saving-apps-agc4k3n922td ) / https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/budgeting/budgeting/work-out-your-budget/budgeting-tool/
- Best ways to save money https://www.which.co.uk/money/money-saving-tips/saving-money/50-ways-to-save-money-a9g329r4s8hm
- Money Saving Expert Money Saving Expert: Credit Cards, Shopping, Bank Charges, Cheap Flights and more
If you are struggling with debt https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en has a list of free debt advice services that may be able to help including –
- Visit https://www.stepchange.org/ for free debt advice and practical help and solutions based on your situation
- Free and Independent Advice National Debt helpline 0808 808 4000 https://nationaldebtline.org/
- You can call the Citizens advice line for help and support on 0808 223 1133 or online at https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/
- Turn2us https://www.turn2us.org.uk/ is a national charity helping people in financial hardship, gain access to welfare benefits and other support services through partner organisations.
- Guidance on ways to save energy around the home / Energy saving tips https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/utilities/energy-saving-tips/
- Energy company gone bust / new suppliers https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/what-happens-if-your-energy-supplier-goes-bust
- Warm Home Discount https://www.gov.uk/the-warm-home-discount-scheme
- With the aim to bring down the cost of the weekly shop, the Valley Street Community Grocery store is available to support people within the Burnley Borough https://communitygrocery.org.uk/burnley/
- If you have a smart phone, apps like https://toogoodtogo.co.uk/ will let you know if there is food being sold at a low cost near you
- There are many sites available with suggested ingredients and recipes for cooking on a budget https://www.goodto.com/food/recipe-collections/cheap-family-meals-33813
- If you are struggling financially to meet your housing costs and are in receipt of Housing benefit or the Housing element of Universal Credit you may be eligible for Discretionary Housing Payment through your local council. Please see https://burnley.gov.uk/benefits/discretionary-housing-payments/ or for the Burnley Borough or your local council website for further information.
- It can be complicated to work out what you are entitled to claim by visiting https://benefits-calculator.turn2us.org.uk/
- Council tax support is a benefit to support people who are on a low income with your council tax bill. You can check if you are entitled and apply visit https://burnley.gov.uk/benefits/
Other services we can help with
We’ve partnered with entitledto to provide a free benefits calculator which will help you find out what benefits you can claim.
The calculator is free to use, and the details you provide are anonymous.
We also work in partnership with Burnley Together, who can provide various support to local communities in Burnley and Padiham. Burnley Together also have, Down Town, a community shop at the heart of Burnley Town Centre.
For more information, please call our Tenancy Sustainment Team on 01282 686300.