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Posted on April 30, 2024

Introducing our new Service Scrutiny Board (SSB) 

We’re always looking for ways to get you involved in making our services better. That’s why we’ve created a brand-new customer group for you to share your thoughts and ideas with us.

The newly formed Service Scrutiny Board will play a big role in evaluating and enhancing our services, using their unique customer’s perspective to make things better for all our customers – including you.

Here’s what the Service Scrutiny Board will be working on:

  1. Service reviews: These are prioritised based on performance and the outcomes from the Tenancy Satisfaction Measures (TSMs).
    During these reviews, the SSB will:  
  • Examine existing policies and procedures
  • Interview service delivery colleagues
  • Engage with partners
  • Conduct customer surveys
  • Review customer complaints **this is currently undertaken by our specific Complaints Scrutiny Group (CSG) but relevant information will be shared.
  • Evaluate value for money
  1. Recommendations for improvement: Based on the findings, the SSB collaborates with Calico Homes colleagues to collect and review evidence. Recommendations for changes are then made collectively that will enhance services in the future.
  1. Annual review focus: The SSB aims to review two service areas each year, ensuring a total evaluation of Calico Homes services.
  1. Transparency: The SSB’s recommendations and actions are published on the Calico Homes website, allowing transparency and accountability through providing progress updates against any recommendations.

How to join the Customer Scrutiny Board

Joining the Calico Homes Service Scrutiny Board (SSB) is a fantastic way to be a part of shaping and improving services using your customer perspective.

Here’s how you can get involved:  If you’re keen on getting involved, please email us on:

If you’re not sure yet, come and join a meeting for either the Complaints Scrutiny Group or the Service Scrutiny Board and see if it’s something you want to be part of. You can do this by emailing:  

If you join the SSB, here’s what to expect…

Estimated time commitment: We want SSB members to dedicate around 6 days a year to their role. This includes attending meetings, events, and engaging in scrutiny activities such as customer and employee interviews, reviewing performance data, and training.

Activities involved:

  • Service reviews: During these reviews, focus is on specific service areas, examining existing policies, interviewing relevant senior officers, and engaging with officers delivering services to customers.
  • Payment: SSB members will receive monetary payment of up to £500 per annum for their commitment based on the living wage hourly pay. Additionally, out-of-pocket expenses spent due to carrying out SSB activities (such as travel expenses and care costs) are reimbursed
  • Training and development:Full training is provided to support the growth and development of the SSB. 
  • Checking if you’re right for the role: There will be a very informal interview for all customers joining in paid positions. This is nothing to be concerned by, it’s more of us getting to know you and you getting to know more about the role to ensure you can be successful.
  • Spaces: If we already have enough customers, we will put you on the waiting list and/or discuss other groups you could join in the meantime.

Service Scrutiny Board membership

The Calico Homes Service Scrutiny Board (SSB) is formed of the following core membership: 

    • Minimum of 3 customers and up to 5 customers with a term of 12 months (please note: positions can be rolled forward annual for a maximum term of 3 years)
    • Homes Managing Director
    • Head of Customer Experience
    • Group Director of Customer Transformation 
    • Depending on the focused Service Reviews other Senior Homes Managers will join the Service Scrutiny Board

Planned service reviews 2024

Following the Make it Happen Survey (TSMs) in 2023 we have set out the first two Service Reviews based on the feedback from customers. These are: 

        1. Repairs Service – (June – Sept)
        2. Customer Service – (Oct – Dec)

Specific dates will be confirmed once customers have signed up to be part of the board.

Documentation and reporting

The Calico Homes Service Scrutiny Board (SSB) will have a dedicated external Teams site so information can be shared. Everything is fully transparent.

For each Service Review, a template report will be the basis of findings and this will be shared with the Homes Board which will detail actions with next steps.

Progress of actions will be via an action tracker that also will be within the Teams site. 

Remember: Your voice matters, and your insights can drive positive change! 🌟

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