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Posted on April 3, 2024

New Clean & Green team boosts local employment and service offering

Over the last 12 months, customers have been telling us they are unhappy with the quality of our ground maintenance service.

We took this feedback on board, and we’re now directly handling all grounds maintenance work ourselves. We believe this change will make the service we offer better and more consistent, improving customer satisfaction and providing more local job opportunities.

Back in November 2023, we asked our Customer Experience Network (CEN) to pick a name for the new team. Thanks to those who voted, the team is now called ‘The Clean and Green Team’.

What does the Clean & Green team offer?

The team will take care of Calico-owned land in our neighbourhoods, handling everything from grass cutting to general maintenance, cleaning communal spaces, gardening and inspections. We’ll also continue planting and maintaining wildflower meadows to bring more life to our neighbourhoods.

All team members will be patch based, so you’ll see the same faces keeping your neighbourhood clean. We plan to visit each neighbourhood every three weeks, unless weather causes changes, and we’ll keep you updated digitally on everything we’re getting up to.

Supporting local employment

We recently finished a recruitment campaign, encouraging people who live in our neighbourhoods to apply. We’re happy to have customers and residents from our communities now working with us.

Andrew Hodgson, the Clean and Green Team Manager leads the team, supported by Andy Newman, our Clean and Green Team Leader.

We will be encouraging feedback from every neighbourhood we work in. You can now email us directly at


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