It’s been a busy couple of month for the Tenancy Sustainment team. From hosting our very first ‘Connect & Collab’ event to working with various partners to ensure a survivor-led approach in domestic abuse cases, we’re always working on ways to make our services better for you.
Here’s what we’ve been up to…
Domestic Abuse
The Tenancy Sustainment service has been actively supporting customers affected by domestic abuse since the February 2025. We are already supporting 12 customers and are working with various partners to ensure a survivor-led approach to each individual case.
Connect & Collab event
Calico hosted a Connect & Collab event aimed at raising awareness, for us and local partners, of support available within Burnley, Padiham and local areas, enabling collaboration to achieve better outcomes for our customers. The event was attended by over 60 people, and a proud outcome of the day is that 100% of those who attended felt like there awareness grew of other services within the local area.
Income Management
We are working very hard to ensure that everyone’s direct debits have been recalculated for the new financial year. As the easiest payment method, most of our customers already chose to pay via this method.
Universal Credit
If you are already in receipt on Universal Credit, it is really important you update your journal with your services charges effective 7th April 2025 (please do not do this before this date). This will ensure that your housing costs are uplifted accordingly.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has announced that all households currently claiming legacy benefits (working tax credit, tax credits, housing benefit, job seekers allowance, employment support allowance and income support) will be transitioned to Universal Credit by the end of March 2026 – starting from February 2025, with approximately 63,000 notices, per month, will be sent to ESA claimants.
People of working age, will receive letters from the DWP, giving them three months to submit their claim. Universal Credit is paid on the same date each month and includes housing costs (where applicable). If you encounter any customers struggling with this transition, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Income Management & Tenancy Sustainment team. Together, we can ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved.
If you would like to pay by direct debit, please do not hesitate to contact the Income team on 01282 686304.