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Posted on August 13, 2021

Universal Credit uplift changes from September 2021

The Government has now confirmed that the additional £20 a week Universal Credit uplift, which was put in place in response to the COVID pandemic in March 2020, will expire at the end of September 2021 for all claimants in England.

We are here to help you and are committed to supporting you with any financial issues you may have, either as a direct result of this change, or otherwise. Our Tenancy Sustainment Team can give you the information, advice, and skills you need to manage your tenancy and other outgoings, and can support you with a wide range of things, including:

  • Housing options
  • Welfare rights
  • Personal finance
  • Life skills
  • The promotion of personal independence.

Our Tenancy Sustainment Officers are fully trained to provide support around any needs you may have. Please contact us on 01282 686300 or email in confidence at

There are also lots of free budgeting tools available to help. This one from Citizens Advice can help you manage your money, understand what you are paying, and where you may be able to cut costs if applicable –

You can find out more about Universal Credit, and other benefits, here:


The Joseph Rowntree Foundation #keepingthelifeline campaign calls on the Government to keep, not cut the uplift.
For more information on what actions you can take, including contacting your local MP and a template email, which can be used to advise your local MP why you think this lifeline should be kept, please see…
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