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Latest News

Posted on February 2, 2022

Your views count

The Regulator of Social Housing wants your views on some measures that will help you see how well we are delivering services to you. 

Part of the Regulator’s job is to check that landlords are providing good quality housing and services and they want to make it easier for customers to find out how well their landlord is performing, compared to other landlords.

By replying to this survey you can share your views directly with them.  You can access the survey by clicking on the link below.

If you don’t want to complete the survey online, information on other ways you can give your views are detailed on the Regulator of Social Housing website below.

here is also an easy read version of the consultation summary available via the link below – which includes explanations of the questions in the survey and how you can respond.

Regulator of Social Housing, Tennant Satisfaction Measures (

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